Sustainable water management under climate change in Southern Ecuador Manejo Sostenible del Agua para Cuenca bajo escenarios de Cambio Climático (SWACH) is a project mainly financed by VLIR-USO (Colaboración flamenca) that is looking for, with different institutions cooperation like Municipality of Cuenca, ETAPA-EP, University of Cuenca and University of Azuay, know water availability during the next 30 years for Cuenca city. As the same manner, knowing water consumption habits by its inhabitants and population growth projection are key goals of the project. The strategies we can apply with this knowledge allow us guarantee a secure drinkable water provision for the city.
Network researchers
University of Azuay
Prof. Ana Ochoa-Sánchez Ph.D.
Role: Project Manager
Research field: Ecohydrology and Climate Change
Prof. Johanna Ochoa M.Sc.
Role: Researcher - Water habits consumption project manager
Research field: Development and social practices with environmental focus
Prof. María Cecilia Alvarado M.Sc.
Role: Researcher - Water habits consumption project manager
Research field: Human rights, gender and interculturality, nature rights, gobernability and public management
Prof. Pablo Guzmán Ph.D.
Role: Researcher
Research field: Watershed management, water security, hydrogeology, monitoring and management of unstable areas, renewable energy.
Eng. María Fernada Samaniego M.Sc.
Role: Researcher - Web development
Research Field: Automation of the generation and analysis of mixed methods
Ph.D. Iván Andrés Mendoza Vásquez
Role: Researcher - Mobile Application Development
Research Field: Data Mining and Software Engineering
Ph.D. Daniel Iturralde
Role: Researcher - Water Consumption Meter Prototype Development
Research Field: Telecommunications, Wireless Communication Systems
Eng. Andrés Cabrera Flor
Role: Researcher - Water Consumption Meter Prototype Development
Research Field: Robotics
Des. Gabriela Sánchez Solano
Role: Communication and Graph Designer
Eng. María Augusta Marín, MSc.
Role:Project Management Assistant
Research Field: EcoHydrology
Eng. Ana Peña, MSc.
Role: Comunication
Prof. Patricio Crespo Ph.D.
Role: Project promoter
Research field: Hydrobiogeochemestry, Hydrology, Ecohydrology, Isotopia.
Prof. Rolando Célleri Ph.D.
Role: Project promoter
Research field: Hydrology, Droughts Analysis
Prof. Jorge Alejandro García Zumalacarregui Ph.D.
Role: Project promoter
Research field: Environment, sanitation and water resources.
Eng. Edison Patricio Timbe Castro
Role: Researcher
Research Field: Isotopic Hydrology or Mountain Basin Hydrologist: water balances, tracers.
KU Leuven
Prof. Patrick Willems Ph.D.
Role: Project Manager
Research field: Hydrology, Hydraulics and hydrological moderation, statistical downscaling, climate change impacts analysis
Eng. Rigoberto Guerrero
Monitoring and Research,
Environmental Management at ETAPA EP.
Doctoral Students
Eng. Santiago Núñez Mejía M.Sc.
Role: Researcher - Doctoral student
Research field: Hydrology, Climate change impacts study, climate modelation
Eng.Verónica Rodas M.Sc.
Role: Researcher - Doctoral student
Research field: Drinking water supply and consumption, wastewater treatment.
Master Students
Eng. Sarita León
Role: Researcher - Master student
Research field: Hydrology and Ecohydrology
Eng. Estalin Mejía M.Sc.
Role: Researcher - Master's Student
Research Field: Data mining, wastewater treatment, surface water quality and modeling
Eng. Stalin Guamán
Role: Researcher - Master's Student
Research Field: Hydrology, hydrological modeling, water quality